Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Rising Health Care Costs

Every election campaign we listen to all the candidates promise there BS Health Care Reforms proposals. Each Candidate thinks they have the answer and yet no promise ever comes to fruition. Why do you think this is and why do Health Care costs keep rising and paychecks keep declining as taxes continue to increase to pay these costs. So what are we to do, speak to your congressional representative will that help, maybe maybe not. Insurance companies are increasing costs and paying out less. Executives are making more money than the president of the good old USA. Why do Doctors have to make so much when the Administrative Assistant does all the work filing paper work and making appointments and struggles to make ends meet and feed her family.Is discount health care the answer, I think it is , it gives you as a consumer to utilize the system as needed. Please feel free to add comments and look at this web site that offers a partial solution to the 49 million Americans who are uninsured or underinsured. Stephen M. Beckwith www.everyonebenefits.com/40439491 respond to Sbeck50659@aol.com 7-03-07